Strong Governance Starts Today

Strong Governance at the City of Perth must start now with clear Leadership, Governance and decision making. 

Spacecubed’s decision yesterday to not accept City of Perth $15 000 COVID-19 recovery grant for its #AdaptDontStop program is a real example of strong governance and decision making. 

The #AdapatDontStop program supports individuals and business owners pivot their existing strategies to thrive in the digital world. 

In May, Spacecubed applied for a $15,000 City of Perth COVID-19 Recovery grant to assist in the delivery of a digital skills program for businesses. Yesterday I was notified by the Spacecubed team that the application was successful. 

However, given my recent announcement to run for Lord Mayor of the City of Perth and to avoid any potential conflicts of interest, Spacecubed has informed the City officers that they will not be able to accept the grant.  

The Digital Skills Program will be extremely valuable to City of Perth businesses adapting through COVID-19. Instead of Spacecubed delivering the program, the team are working with City of Perth officers to coordinate with another Perth based organisation to deliver the program to local businesses and organisations. 

My experience in Governance positions and qualifications from the Governance Institute of Australia means that strong governance at the city starts now. Spacecubed will not be applying for or accepting any program grant funding through the campaign or for the term I am Lord Mayor should I be elected in October. 

I am inviting residents and business owners to step up as leaders, and help to build a stronger Perth, together. Join me to lead change at #HackForMayor this Saturday –


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